Destin Chiropractor 2017-06-16T00:14:13+00:00

Destin Chiropractor

Offering a holistic and natural approach to pain relief, sports injury management and optimum overall health, the Concierge Chiropractor provides professional mobile chiropractic care in Destin, Florida. By effectively identifying and diagnosing areas of tension, tightness and reduced mobility and function, Dr. George Hawkins provides gentle, yet powerful treatment to reduce pain and boost health without drugs or invasive measures.

As the Concierge Chiropractor, Dr. George Hawkins offers a number of expert services at your location in Destin.

Back and Neck Pain

Back and neck pain can be debilitating, and detract from your quality of life and functionality. Dr. George Hawkins identifies the source of back and neck pain in the spine, and corrects misalignments, nerve pressure and muscle tension to reduce pain and promote healing. Using safe and gentle spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, Dr. George Hawkins provides a natural and drug-free solution to back and neck pain in Destin.

Sports Injuries

Sports injuries can be caused by repetitive strain, direct trauma, muscle and ligament tension or not warming up or cooling down effectively. While sports injuries can take you out of commission, the Concierge Chiropractor can get you back in the field faster with natural pain management and accelerated healing through effective chiropractic care for sports injuries in Destin.

Special Needs

With chiropractic care, individuals with special needs in Destin can reach their ideal level of health and wellbeing. Helping to promote better physical health, more restful sleep, effective digestive function and a greater sense of wellbeing, Dr. George Hawkins offers safe and effective chiropractic and holistic treatment in the comfort of your own home.

Wellness Care

Good health is about more than just being free from disease, it’s about living a healthy, satisfying and active life. If there’s one aspect of your life that’s holding you back from optimum health, Dr. George Hawkins can work with you one-on-one to help you find the healthiest you.

As the Concierge Chiropractor, Dr. George Hawkins offers years of experience and training for effective chiropractic care no matter what your situation. For a professional mobile chiropractor in Destin, contact the Concierge Chiropractor today.

Get Relief Today

Dr. George Hawkins
phone: 850-842-8189