How Many Visits Until Back Pain Relief with Chiropractic Care

back pain relief, how many visits, how long until back pain is gone with Chiropractic


One top question about Chiropractic care is the number of visits or how long it will take for their back pain to reduce or go away.

How Many Visits Work for Back Pain?

Some chiropractors recommend 8-12 visits over a 30-day period as long as functional gains are being made by the patient. Others will suggest starting out with a trial of 5-6 visits. Your Doctor of Chiropractic may even want to schedule each visit one at a time, based on the previous visit. All of these are reasonable recommendations.

The real answer depends on several factors. These include how long the pain has been going on, the age of the patient, their job, whether they follow the suggested treatment plan, etc. Things like diabetes, smoking, obesity, depression, prior surgeries and being out of shape also affect your rate of recovery.

Some patients feel immediate results after one Chiropractic visit. Others may take more appointments. If chiropractic therapy is the right treatment for your back pain, then your first 4 -6 visits should give you progress and help you feel better.

If Chiropractic is helping, but you still have some symptoms, you can make some changes to help. You can include exercise, healthy sleep and nutrition changes to speed healing. However, if no change happens after the first 4-6 visits, you will need to be re-evaluated for treatment plan changes or referral to a specialist. 


Can My Chiropractor Tell Me When the Pain Will End?

No physician will tell you the number of visits your body needs or how long it will take. But your Chiropractor should be able to say what they’re doing, why, and what results you can expect from it.

In summary, the number of visits before your back pain ends depends on your first 4-6 visits. To book an initial exam for your back pain, contact Concierge Chiropractic today and we’ll bring treatment to you at your home, office, or location of choice in the Destin and Miramar Beach area. 


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