4 Ways Quality Chiropractic Care Helps Even When You Feel Healthy

Many of us would agree that our lives could use an “adjustment.” And every day we take steps to do just that– waking up earlier, cutting back on coffee, eating well, relieving stress… The list goes on.

But, for healthy individuals, the most scientifically-backed adjustment is often overlooked.

Chiropractic care is crucial for some and incredibly beneficial to the rest. The everyday problems you’ve accepted as a part of life might actually have a solution. Here are four ways chiropractors can help, even when you consider yourself ‘healthy’.

  1. Optimal Posture and Body Function

Whether you’re a natural sloucher or a victim of your office job, back pain is a plague on the body. Eight out of 10 otherwise healthy individuals experience back pain at some point in their lives.

Pain or inhibited back mobility results from a misaligned spine. A “chiropractic adjustment” is a thrust applied to abnormal vertebra to improve functionality and decrease irritability.

A study in The Spine Journal, titled “Neurophysiological effects of spinal manipulation,” concluded that adjustments were more effective than muscle relaxants at easing back pain. In our time of heavy prescription abuse, this information is invaluable.

  1. Reducing inflammation

Sometimes our busy lives mean that things get out of balance. We stress, eat junk food and drink too little water. When we do not take care of ourselves, inflammation increases in an attempt to remove harmful irritants and pathogens from the body.

Chronic inflammation can be a result of an imbalanced immune system. Lack of sleep, high carbohydrate diets and other negative and common behaviors actually increase your vulnerability to illness.

Studies show that chiropractic adjustments reduce two inflammatory cytokines, which are a type of signaling molecule that promotes inflammation in the body. Many professionals can also provide nutrition advice during the visit.

When inflammation is reduced, our body is able to focus on eliminating the germs and allergens around us for continued good health.

  1. Alleviating headaches

Headaches run rampant in modern society. Tension, sinus, cluster, you name it! And spending time in front of a computer or reading is one of the most common causes of headaches. Unfortunately, the most common solution is usually Advil or a similar quick fix.

Thankfully, there is a more sustainable route to a headache-free work day. Your chiropractor can perform an adjustment or manipulation to improve spinal function to release tension and promote healthy blood flow. With regular visits, patients can reduce the buildup of muscle tension and, ultimately, put an end to the constant pounding.

  1. Normalizing blood pressure

Salt, alcohol and genetics are just three of the many blood-pressure raising factors. It might seem impossible to manage but you can take proactive steps to naturally lower blood pressure.

Studies have shown that adjusting the first cervical vertebrae, a process known as Atlas Orthogonal Spine Correction, can help normalize blood pressure by improving nervous system functionality. The nervous system, composed of the brain and spinal cord, serves as a command center for the entire body. It’s still a bit of a mystery as to exactly why this adjustment works, however the procedure has been proven effective.

Chiropractors are here to optimize and improve your quality of life, even if you feel healthy most of the time. Talk to us today about the vast range of treatments we can offer for your best health.


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