Is Chiropractic Care Safe in Pregnancy?

Chiropractic care aims to maintain the components of the spinal column, including discs and nerves.  It can involve adjusting misaligned portions, which promotes whole-body health.  During a woman’s life, one of the most physically demanding times is pregnancy.

Pregnancy puts stress on the body, including the spine.  Some woman may wonder if a trip to the chiropractor will help.  Some woman may also wonder if a trip to the chiropractor is safe.  Chiropractic care is safe during pregnancy and in fact, it offers many benefits:

Relieves Back and Joint Pain

A woman’s body goes through many changes during pregnancy.  The growing baby demands increasing amounts of space.  A woman’s internal organs, muscles, and bone structures are pushed to make room.  Women are also carrying more weight during pregnancy, which is centered around their abdomen.  These factors work together to cause spine misalignment, along with back and joint pain.  Research has shown a majority of women who receive chiropractic care during pregnancy report the benefit of pain relief.

Maintains a Healthy Pregnancy

A brief anatomy lesson reminds us that the spinal column houses and protects the spinal cord, which is a core part of the central nervous system.  The nervous system communicates to all the other body systems, including the reproductive system.  Keeping the spine aligned prevents any pressure or disruption to the spinal cord and the nervous system.  It helps to keep the entire body in balance and working at its best during a physically demanding time.  For example, research has shown that chiropractic care during pregnancy can help to reduce symptoms of nausea.

Reduces Complications in Labor/Delivery

Chiropractic care can reduce potential complications in labor and delivery by maintaining pelvic alignment.  The growing baby can push a woman’s pelvis out of alignment.  A misaligned pelvis might reduce the amount of room available for the developing baby.  This can make it difficult for the baby to move into the optimal position for delivery.  If the baby is not in the optimal position, a breech or posterior position might demand a c-section.  Just as chiropractic care can keep the pelvis in alignment to prevent c-section, proper alignment can also reduce the time of labor/delivery for a natural birth.

If you are pregnant and considering chiropractic care, it is contraindicated in some circumstances.  If you are experiencing vaginal bleeding, placenta previa, placenta abruption, or toxemia, chiropractic care is not recommended.  If is also not recommended for ectopic pregnancy.

If you have a typical pregnancy and if you want to enjoy the many benefits of chiropractic care, talk to your local chiropractor today. It’s important to work with a professional Doctor of Chiropractic, who has full medical training to work with pregnant women.  Some chiropractors even specialize in prenatal care.  Ask your chiropractor about their training and background to assess the fit.

Talk to a qualified and experienced chiropractor today to learn how chiropractic care can help you enjoy a more stress-free and easeful pregnancy for a healthy baby and mom.


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