What is the Clicky Device the Chiropractor Uses?

chiropractic care, activator tool, activator method


When being visited by your mobile chiropractor, you may have noticed a hand-held device the chiropractor uses during your adjustment. It looks a little bit like a miniature pogo stick, and is used to impact your spine in a very precise way. This is an activator, or Activator Adjusting Instrument.


The Activator Tool

The activator is a spring-loaded mechanical tool used to deliver a quick low-force thrust. It moves quickly by design, allowing pressure to impact the vertebrae intended before the surrounding muscles respond to pressure by tensing. It also has the advantage of being highly localized, making it precise and minimizing impact or torque to surrounding tissues that can be created when a hand is steadied against the body. When the activator is used, it may sound similar to a stapler to you, and feel a lot like having your reflexes tested with the tiny triangle hammer.

Not every chiropractor uses an activator, and chiropractors who do use them don’t always use them during every appointment. There are Doctors of Chiropractic who always or never use activators, as well. This is a matter of personal preference, but also of method. The use of an activator is often tied to a specific way of diagnosing and treating ailments.


The Activator Method

The Activator Method involves your Doctor of Chiropractic evaluating your leg lengths with you lying on the table. The majority of people have one leg appearing longer than the other because of neurological and/or biomechanical imbalance in the body. The analysis contains multiple steps that allow the Doctor to determine how to proceed to restore proper alignment. Thrusts with the activator are begun in the lower back and move towards the head.

To see what chiropractic care can do for you, call us at The Concierge Chiropractor to have a relaxing, healing appointment in your home or office. Dr. Hawkins specializes in care for older adults, children, pregnancy, and patients with special needs.


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