Yoga and Spinal Alignment

yoga and spinal alignment, chiropractic care, chiropractor, miramar beach florida


If you’re actively trying to improve your back health, or you should be, then using Chiropractic Care and yoga together can bring you great benefits.


Why do Both Yoga and Chiropractic?

The two-pronged approach is often more effective than each can be alone. While Chiropractic works to strengthen and enable the healthiest nervous system possible, and alight the skeletal system for pain-free life, yoga tends to focus on moving and strengthening muscle, tendon, and other soft tissues, which are of course the same ones that your nervous system serves. Together they can bring your body to a higher level of health and strength.


Why Yoga?

Yoga has been long recognized as a gentle, accessible way to increase strength and stamina that can work with any body or fitness level. People who feel like they’re in peak health still find delightful gains in strength and flexibility with yoga, and the risks of injury are lower than in competitive, harsh workouts like football or boxing.

Yogic exercise also has a strong commitment to symmetry and keeping balanced amounts of effort, stretch, and strength in movements. This all serves to protect great back health, whether you practise Ashtanga, Iyengar, Vinyasa Flow, or any common style of yoga.


Chiropractic is Important

One reason that Chiropractic care is important when practising yoga is that a Chiropractor is able to recognize any problems or risks specific to your body and your back that you wouldn’t be aware of without the exam of a Doctor of Chiropractic.

Another strong benefit to seeing a Chiropractor while doing yoga regularly is that yoga helps relieve adhesions, increase flexibility, open up joints, and give your Chiropractor more ability to help you. This is because your Chiropractor can manipulate your tissues more easily, and any positive changes gained in a Chiropractic appointment to your posture or gait may be more readily adapted to and adopted by your newly relaxed body.

While able to strengthen muscles and tissues, yoga is also capable of damaging the same areas. Of course, we all hope that no pose or movement will “go wrong” or be bad for your body, but it’s not uncommon for yoga practitioners to occasionally over extend or otherwise hurt themselves, especially when backbends come into play. Your Chiropractor can help you recognize what moves are not for your now (or ever?) and take care of your spine in a way that promotes healing of any injured area.


If you’ve taken up yoga, or plan to start practising, schedule a time to been seen by a Chiropractor and receive regular chiropractic maintenance as you continue on your yoga journey. Contact your Concierge Chiropractor today for appointments in the Miramar Beach area.


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